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Sad or Depressed - Situational Depression

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Depression is classified as a disease. Many people suffer from depression and it is good to know how to say some sentences whether it is you or someone else.

Situational depression

When someone first comes to the United States, it is common to be depressed. This is usually due to loneliness, boredom, or feeling sad because you miss your friends and family.

"I think I'm depressed because I have nothing to do here."
"I'm depressed because I don't have anything here."
"I'm so lonely here. I left all my friends to come here."

Usually time heals these types of problems. Sometimes, whatever you say doesn't really help. They know the problem, but they can't control how they feel. Regardless, saying that you understand can show them that you care.

"It must be really tough leaving your friends and family behind."
"I have never experienced that, but I imagine it must be really hard."
"Starting a new life someplace different is really hard. It's normal to feel this way. I think you'll get better with time."

"If you surround yourself with people, you might find new friends."
"Why don't you go to church. You can find peace there and even find great friends."

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