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Talking to Strangers - Interactive Practice

Нажмите на "Прослушать всё" и внимательно слушайте запись. Когда вы поймете весь диалог, возьмите на себя роль первого собеседника, нажав на кнопку "Person A". Теперь вы будете слышать реплики только второго собеседника (Person B). Повторяйте реплики первого собеседника (Person A) во время пауз. Затем переключитесь на второго собеседника (Person B) и работайте по аналогии. Скорость произношения в данном диалоге типична для носителей языка. Используйте кнопку "Пауза", если вам не хватает времени для чтения реплик в диалоге. Повторив это упражнение несколько раз вы наверняка сможете произносить эти фразы бегло, как это делают носители языка.

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "It's a nice day."
B: "Yes. It is a beautiful day."
A: "Do you live around here or are you visiting?"
B: "I am on vacation from Korea."
A: "That's cool. Are you having a good time?"
B: "Yes. There are many things to see and I'm taking a lot of pictures. Do live in this city?"
A: "Yeah. I'm just here with my kids. They wanted to come to the park today."
B: "What's a good place to visit in this city?"
A: "Where have you been so far?"
B: "This was my first stop. I was going to look at my maps."
A: "I recommend going to the water front in downtown. They have a ferry you can ride, some good restaurants, and a good beach for a walk."
B: "How do I get there from here?"
A: "You see Jackson street over there? Go straight for 10 blocks. When you see 5th Avenue, turn left. Follow the street for about 3 miles and you should see it."
B: "Thanks. I'll go check it out. It was nice talking to you."
A: "It was nice meeting you. Have a good time."

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "Are there so many people here all the time?"
B: "I'm not sure. This is my first time here."
A: "Me too. I think this is a great place."
B: "Yeah. I think so too."
A: "Where are you from?"
B: "I'm visiting from Cleveland, Ohio. How about you?"
A: "I'm from Seoul, Korea."
B: "How long are you visiting for?"
A: "For 2 weeks. I went to San Francisco and Los Angeles. I want to see the Grand Canyon before I go. I'll probably visit Grand Canyon on Monday."
B: "Ah, looks like you are having a great time."
A: "Yes I am. How long are you visiting for?"
B: "I am only here for three days. My kids have been wanting to come to Disneyland for a long time."
A: "That's great."
B: "Oh. My family is waiting for me. I hope you enjoy your stay in America."
A: "Thank you. It was nice meeting you."

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "That's such a cute dog. What kind is it?"
B: "He's a cocker spaniel."
A: "I have a terrier at home. What's his name?"
B: "His name is Buffy."
A: "Hi Buffy. You're so cute. Do you come here for a walk often?"
B: "About 3 times a week. It's a good walk and Buffy likes it too."
A: "It's a great place for a walk. I wish I had a trail like this at home."
B: "Where are you from?"
A: "I'm visiting from Korea. I live in the city so there aren't many places like this."
B: "I guess that's one thing good about suburban life."
A: "I wouldn't mind the slower pace of life. I am always in a hurry. That's why I wanted to come and relax."
B: "That's good. How long are you staying for?"
A: "I'm here for about three weeks. Oh, it looks like Buffy wants to go."
B: "Yeah. Well, it was nice meeting you. I hope you have a good time here."
A: "Thanks. It was nice talking to you."

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