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Stress - Interactive Practice

Нажмите на "Прослушать всё" и внимательно слушайте запись. Когда вы поймете весь диалог, возьмите на себя роль первого собеседника, нажав на кнопку "Person A". Теперь вы будете слышать реплики только второго собеседника (Person B). Повторяйте реплики первого собеседника (Person A) во время пауз. Затем переключитесь на второго собеседника (Person B) и работайте по аналогии. Скорость произношения в данном диалоге типична для носителей языка. Используйте кнопку "Пауза", если вам не хватает времени для чтения реплик в диалоге. Повторив это упражнение несколько раз вы наверняка сможете произносить эти фразы бегло, как это делают носители языка.

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "Hi Jackie. You don't look too well. What's going on?"
B: "It's nothing. I'm just a little stressed out."
A: "Why? What's stressing you out?"
B: "School. Since I was working part time, I had a difficult time keeping up with class. Now that we have exams coming up, I'm totally freaking out."
A: "The best thing to do is study as much as you can. I'm sure you'll do alright."
B: "I hope so. I guess I won't be sleeping for the next 3 days. That's what it'll take."
A: "I have to study for an exam too. Why don't we study together. We can encourage each other."
B: "That will be great."

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "Hey Mike. What are you doing tonight?"
B: "Nothing planned. How about you?"
A: "Work is kicking my ass. I'm so stressed. Let's go grab a drink."
B: "I'm always up for a drink. To tell you the truth, it's been quite stressful here too."
A: "I say we get drunk tonight. I don't want to think about all this stuff."
B: "But we have to work tomorrow."
A: "We won't stay out too late. I just need to forget about work."
B: "I hear ya. Let's do it."

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "What stresses you out the most?"
B: "Probably my parents."
A: "How so?"
B: "Well, during school, they wanted good grades. Then after I got a job, they wanted me to get a better job. And finally, they want me to get married."
A: "You have to deal with a lot of pressure from your parents."
B: "Your parents are not like that?"
A: "Ever since I brought home some bad grades in elementary school, they never expected much."
B: "You're lucky."
A: "What do you do to deal with the stress?"
B: "Not much I can do. It's always there. I sometimes go out with some friends and drink, but that's only a temporary solution. The stress always returns in the morning."
A: "That sucks. You wanna go grab a beer?"
B: "Sure. Sounds great. Let's go."

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